The Salaam Club of New York
78th Anniversary Holiday Gala
At Russo's on the Bay
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Achievement Award - Ralph Succar
Community Service Award - Amr Nosseir
Man of the Year - Dr. Nidal Isber
Click HERE - Book Your 78th Sponsorship Gala Online
Click HERE for Journal Ads PDF file
- Gala Sponsor $50,000 Gold seating tables of 30, gold full page program greeting, 5 minute presentation* if desired
- Champion Sponsor $25,000 Gold seating table of 20, gold full page program greeting
- Cocktail Hour Sponsor $15,000 Includes table of 10, gold page ad and special recognition at the event
- Benefactor Sponsor $10,000 Includes table of 10, gold page ad and special recognition at the event
- Supporter $5,000 includes table of 10 and special recognition at the event
- Raffle Prizes Sponsor $3,000 Includes 2 tickets, gold page ad and special recognition at the event
- Salaam Sponsor $1,000 Includes 2 Tickets, White page ad and special recognition at the event
- Individual Ticket(s) X $ 250
Journal Advertising
Front inside cover $5,000 * Gold page $1,500 * Silver page $1,000
inside cover $5,000 * Regular (B&W) page $500 * Back outside cover $10,000
Please print or attach ad copy or camera-ready art journal size 8.5” X 11”.
To pay by check, Payable to the Salaam Club Foundation of New York
9728 3rd Avenue, Suite 441 Brooklyn, NY 11209
***The deadline for all advertisements is November 27, 2024.
Journal advertising is fully tax-deductible.
Please add cost of raffle tickets to the total if purchased. Also indicate if more than one book is desired.